We are happy to answer any questions you may have about Gotland Company and our operations.
Gotland Company
Postal address: Box 1104, SE-621 22 Visby
Visiting address: Hamngatan 1, Visby
Phone: +46 (0)498 – 20 00 00
Fax: +46 (0)498 – 21 27 93
E-mail: info@gotlandsbolaget.se
Karin Bill (Head of Brand and Communication)
Phone: +46 (0)498-201060
E-mail: karin.bill@gotlandsbolaget.se
Destination Gotland
Phone: +46 (0)498-20 18 00
Opening hours: Mon–Fri: 08:00–17:00, closed for lunch 12:00–13:00
E-mail: info@destinationgotland.se
Address: Korsgatan 2, Box 1234, 621 23 Visby
Org. no: 556038-2342
Gotland Hotels & Properties
Address: Färjeleden 3, 621 58 Visby
E-mail: info@gotlandhotelsproperties.se
Phone: +46 (0)490-201 260
Reg. no: 556000-8020
Bank giro: 833-3395
Postal giro: 18 93 88-2