Our vision is to create vibrant communities where people can meet, live and work. For almost 160 years we have been paving the way for Gotland as a destination and a place to live. Today, our activities include owning and operating passenger and cruise ships as well as accommodation facilities, developing technology and investing in new fuels. Within the Group, we operate the Gotland line and on 31 October we took over a cruise line between Copenhagen and Oslo. In addition to these routes, we also own the cruise ship Birka Gotland together with Viking Line.
We are constantly working to develop and expand our existing operations and find synergies between them. At the same time, we are looking ahead to new business and growth opportunities.
We invest in solutions that contribute to vibrant communities in the places where we operate. This requires new energy, new transport, innovative ways of developing housing, and new ways of working together and developing technology. Through our businesses and our people, we make it happen.
Destination Zero - our journey towards zero emissions
Our operations
We own and operate a fleet of ships, invest in the shipping industry’s climate transition and new technology, and drive the development of sustainable destinations. Our operations run daily ferry services between Gotland and the mainland, and between Nynäshamn and Rostock. We are developing and investing in the energy supply and ship technology, hotels and properties of the future. The common thread running through our operations is that they all benefit the places where we operate, with environmental, economic and social sustainability as our guiding principles.